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How To Sing: VIDEO: 3 Lies About Singing You Should NOT Believe - Angela's Blog

This new singing tips video is a response to some of the confusion I've heard/seen around YouTube and in general surrounding singing and how to sing!

Specifically, I want to debunk three lies:

(1) That singing is "natural" and in order to sing like a pro, you just have to forget about technique and FEEL the music! While this is, to some degree, part of the art and craft of singing, so many people underestimate how much time and effort goes into finding your singing voice.

(2) That if you can't learn how to sing a song the very first time you attempt it, you'll never be able to sing it! This is a huge mental block people experience, and I want to explain how this is simply NOT the case.

(3) That belt singing or big hefty sounds require a ton of TENSIONS and EFFORT in the face and throat. This is a misconception! Even though performers make "belting faces" and emote in their faces when they hit high notes, it has nothing to do with the production of sound. In fact, when done correctly, singing should feel basically effortless (except for the breath production down below).

What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Leave me a comment!

xo Fel


How To Sing: How to Sing Low Notes - For Guys & For Women - Angela's Blog

Yo yo yo!

Here is my newest video on how to sing low. Remember that it is important to utilize breath support and getting the resonance in the mouth. This video teaches healthy ways to accomplish these singing tasks!

Try out these tips and let me know how it goes!

xo Fel


How To Sing: How to Sing Blank Space by Taylor Swift - Angela's Blog


This new video breaks down Taylor Swift's Blank Space and offers appropriate vowel and lyric modifications that help you place the sound in a way similar to Taylor's clear, resonant tone. This isn't necessarily the highest or most challenging song, but it's a great way to practice practice opening the back of your throat and not tensing so you know where to place the sound -- that way it won't fall flat while you're singing.

I hope you like this video!


