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How To Sing: How to Go from Bad Singer to Good Singer - Angela's Blog

Hey y'all,

This new singing video will help you go from "bad singer" to good singer (or at least decent!). Included are some basic tips for beginner singers who don't know exactly where to begin. This video is geared toward answering the questions that unexperienced singers often ask. So if you're just starting out at the very beginning of your singing journey and feel like you might "suck" (haha), then be sure to tune in because I don't want to leave you out in the cold.

Keep Singing!

xo Fel


How To Sing: Sing Like A Pop Star - Sing Like A Pro - Angela's Blog

Singer dudes!

Check out this new video if you're interested in learning how to sing like some of today's big POP STARS! Included are a few different singers who have different tones (Adele, Ariana Grande, Sam Smith, and more).

xo Fel


How To Sing: Strengthen Head Voice & Sing with POWER - Angela's Blog

Hey errybody!

Here is my newest singing tips video on how to strengthen that HEAD VOICE of yours! Watch this video to learn (1) how to find your head voice, (2) migrate it more forward in the face, and (3) eliminate breathiness and "aim" the sound to maximize volume, without strain.

Check it out here! Thanks :)



How To Sing: Find Your Chest Voice - Sing in a Natural Chest Voice - Angela's Blog

Hello my singer friends!

I've recently received a lot of questions from singers who find their default singing voice is airy, breathy, and seems to pop up into a more soprano-y head register that's difficult to control or make powerful. For some singers, it seems almost impossible to locate a grounded chest voice. This new video of mine addresses the top 3 ways to find a grounded, resonant CHEST VOICE.

You can find the link to this video below. Enjoy!

xo Fel

