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How To Sing: 3 Easy Ways to Improve Your Singing - Angela's Blog

What?? Two new singing tips video in one week?? I've gone insane!

This new video answers a question I get a lot:

"Felicia. What can I do to improve my singing technique, right now?"

Some of you may think the answer is "nothing," but that's actually not true. Of course, anything worth achieving takes lots of practice, and this is certainly true of singing. But there are a few things you can do -- right now -- to enhance your sound and improve your singing technique immediately.

Check out the video below for my best 3 tips for making big singing strides -- today!


How To Sing: How to Sing "Let It Go" From Frozen (Video) - Angela's Blog

Hi, singer friends! I've been getting a lot of questions from my voice students and from many of you via social media about how to sing "Let It Go" from Frozen in the style of Idina Menzel, so I decided to make a quick vid giving you some singing tips on how to approach the super challenging (and fun) ending which sweeps up to a high E flat.

To sing "Let It Go," I adopted some key vowel modifications that will help you pop out the high belting easily and without tension.

Check it out below and let me know what you think!

Learn more about Belt Your Face Off here >

