My latest video addresses voice classification, or voice part (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) and answers a common question I get from singers, which is: what's my voice classification, and does it matter?
Basically, it doesn't really matter. Voice classification describes the thickness of your vocal folds. Sopranos and tenors are born with thinner folds, while altos, baritones, and basses are born with thicker vocal folds. This means you are naturally predisposed to sing higher (in the case of tenors and sopranos) or lower (altos, baritones, basses), and you can usually tell which voice part you are based on the natural tone of your speaking voice.
Check it out!
What I want to stress in this video is that your voice classification is a starting guide. It's like saying: "I have long legs." It describes your body and the way you were born, but it does not determine your ultimate range or what you will be able to sing in your career as a singer. It may describe what is *easiest* for you at first -- but just as someone with short legs can learn to run fast, so can someone with thick vocal folds learn to sing high. Loads of baritones and altos can sing high, and likewise many tenors and sopranos have impressive lower ranges. So don't get bogged down in assigning a label to yourself. Any singer can successfully grow his or her voice and learn to increase their range.
Hope you like the video! Please leave me a comment. xo Fel
This video breaks down "Black Widow" by Iggy Azalea and Rita Ora and recommends vowel and lyric modifications that help you place the sound for Rita Ora's tone and styling, as well as pop out your belt singing voice.
The sung hook and "pre-chorus" of this song is belty and hefty sounding, it's important to know where to place the sound to be able to bust tension and get the notes to flow.
Altering the lyrics with new vowels, consonants, and phrases will help your wrap your mouth around the sounds. When it comes to singing and creating a signature sound (like Rita Ora), you don't manipulate the cord, you manipulate the resonant space in your face and mouth.
Hope this is helpful! Leave me a comment and let me know. Complete lyric modifications below... xo Fel
BLACK WIDOW BY IGGY AZALEAN & RITA ORA Lyric Modifications by Felicia Ricci
I'm gonna love ya Until you hate me
And I'm gonna show ya What's really crazy
You should've known better Than to mess with me, honey
I'm gonna love ya, I'm gonna love ya Gonna love ya, gonna love ya Like a black widow, baby
This is the web, web that you weave THISIH DAH WUHB WUHB DACHOO WIH(EE)V
So baby now rest in peace (It's all over with now) SUH BEHBIH NAHRESTIH PIH (S)
(P.S. Background track is a "karaoke" version of the song I arranged myself on GarageBand, dubbing vocals over afterward with my computer microphone. But most of the sung parts in the video are live. Kind of low budget for now but hopefully it does the trick so you can get the feel for the song.)
Here is my newest video explaining how to approach and use a mixed voice. Mixed voice means singing "between" chest and head voice by accessing your nasopharynx (which lets the sound vibrate in the "mustache" region of your face). Accessing the mixed voice technique itself is not super complicated, but sometimes using muscle memory to master it can be tricky. This video explains some simple exercises that will help you practice.
Let me know if this video helps you access you vocal mix!
Are you looking to beat stage fright and be more confident when it's time to perform a song? This video offers three main tips to help singers be more confident. No more choking up or freezing when you sing in front of people!